News: Oklahoma Bar Journal Feature

Max Nowakowski featured in June 2024 Oklahoma Bar Journal with article The Basics of a 1031 Like-Kind Exchange.

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News: Avenue Legal Group Joins Federation of Exchange Accommodators

Avenue Legal Group has joined FEA, the industry-leading 1031 tax-deferred exchange network.

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Guide to CRE Listing Agreements

Breaking down the most essential information about commercial real estate listing agreements, affecting both property owners/sellers and their broker/agent representatives

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Ground Leases in Commercial RE

Ground leases are used in commercial property development; the lessee has the right to build as necessary and enjoys a long lease term, while the lessor keeps the improvements at the end of the lease.

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Offer, Acceptance, Rejection, Counteroffer

Learn about the meaning and effect of these key legal terms: offer, acceptance, rejection, and counteroffer.

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Understanding Specific Performance

Overview of specific performance claims in Oklahoma law, which are especially helpful in real estate transaction disputes.

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Tenant Estoppel Certificates Explained

Learn how to use a tenant estoppel certificate in Oklahoma real estate transactions.

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Real Estate Non-Disclosure Agreements

Use and enforceability of NDAs in Oklahoma real estate.

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Protecting Privacy in Real Estate

Explanation of the most effective strategies for protecting your privacy in public real estate records.

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Oklahoma Guide to New FinCEN Rules

New FinCEN rules mean additional reporting requirements for Oklahoma companies.

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